1. Return to CREDIT:DEBIT Analysis
    2. Go to All Countries listing Alphabetical
    3. Go to All Countries in Regional Groupings
    4. Go to an easy Visualization of how CREDIT:DEBIT is calculated
    5. Go to All Countries in Overal CREDIT:DEBIT Groupings
    6. Go to All Countries detailed CREDIT:DEBIT Breakdown as %s
    7. Go to UK Emissions compared with several Regions
    8. Go to a short explantation of each element of the global analysis done for each country

3 instances of emissions-share & CREDIT DEBIT calculation methodology

For all countries, the procedure shown above and described below is applied to the whole carbon budget across time (past and future) integrating: -

1750 to 2013, 'National Emissions' as shares are accumulated 'Actual Emissions', minus Debit &/or plus Credit.
Debit &/or Credit are the gross accumulated weights of carbon emissions, where 'National Emissions' were variously: -

This procedure: -

This means the global total of emissions has been integrated and analysed on a non-random basis: -


  1. Return to CREDIT:DEBIT Analysis
  2. Go to All Countries listing Alphabetical
  3. Go to All Countries in Regional Groupings
  4. Go to an easy Visualization of how CREDIT:DEBIT is calculated
  5. Go to All Countries in Overal CREDIT:DEBIT Groupings
  6. Go to All Countries detailed CREDIT:DEBIT Breakdown as %s
  7. Go to a short explantation of each element of the global analysis done for each country