Dear Aubrey
Count me in.
How about a page for 'investors'?
All the best
Raj Thamotheram
President Network for Sustainable Financial Markets

Organisational Affiliations shown for identification purposes only.

Budget for zero carbon - From national climate change policy to local zero carbon refurbishment strategies, all levels of government can play a part in decarbonising their economies. All nations should adopt carbon budgets similar to the UK, with annual targets that correspond with the latest science from the IPCC according to the principles of contraction and convergence. Local governments can develop zero carbon strategies for their local area, integrating plans for new buildings with zero carbon refurbishment of existing homes, offices, factories and more. The One Planet initiative adopts the principle of Contraction and Convergence which means that countries with high per capita emissions will have to reduce their emissions much more rapidly than countries that currently have low per capita emissions. The end result being that per capita emissions from each country will converge at a more equitable level and the global total of emissions will contract. BioRegional will work with partners to agree community specific trajectories. For example, for communities in developing countries a suitable trajectory will have to take into account whether the development is targeted at residents with high impact lifestyles or very low income residents with very low carbon emissions.
What you can do as Government

The UK Climate Change Act target of an 80% reduction in CO2 by 2050 and the London Climate Change Action Plan target of a 60% cut by 2025 are both based on a ‘contraction and convergence’ model in which by 2050 everyone in the world would be entitled to an equal share of emissions with the aim of
atmospheric CO2 concentrations not exceeding 450ppm. This entitlement is roughly equivalent to two tonnes of CO2 per person each year. As UK and London emissions are currently much higher than this (whether calculated on a production or consumption basis), the targets are based on the reductions needed to achieve an equitable level by 2050.
Capital Consumption - Bioregional
the transition to sustainable consumption and production in London

1. Roadmaps with Action Plans at a global, national and civil society level. We support existing proposals for flexible and simple Roadmaps, Action Plans and Sustainable Development Goals as a main operational outcome of Rio+20. It is proposed that Action Plans or Roadmaps include:
A Vision ‐ in line with the Objective of the Conference ‐ to enable citizens to achieve one planet living and a green economy and live happy, healthy lives within the natural limits of the planet, wherever we live in the world, and leave sufficient space for wildlife and wilderness.
- Principles drawn from existing international agreements, see Principles for a Green Economy
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Indicators. Based on Sustainable Consumption and Production, what citizens need and contraction and convergence of resource use to one planet living. SDGs could include: sustainable energy; sustainable transport; zero waste to landfill through circular economies; sustainable materials; food security – sustainable and humane agriculture and fisheries; sustainable water; biodiversity and land use; culture & community; Green Economy – equity, fair trade and the local economy; and health & happiness.
- Process to develop them in partnership with civil society.
e) Education and training based on Vision & SDGs. One Planet training will be launched at Rio+20.
- Support of “Intergovernmental Panel(s) on Resources” to provide scientific evidence of resource availability, resource consumption and safe planetary boundaries and a “Solutions Bank” of peer reviewed solutions for sustainability.
One Planet Living ‐ a Proposal for Rio+20 UNCSD 2012
submitted by BioRegional and Partners