A bit scattered, this is an evolving Essay linking key themes together . . . .

This page is the master page for all GCI links. All pages linked here are cued back
to this master page
. Here as well is a Search function for the entire GCI web-site.

Associated links

Speed of Light


'Conraction & Convergence' - the C&C Principle & Practice

  1. Climate Truth & Reconciliation - Global Commons Institute (GCI) home page
  2. Contraction & Convergence (C&C) first 20 years (1989-2008)
  3. Assumptions; the 'Well Tempered Climate Accord' (WTCA)
  4. The C&C principle is 'Well Tempering'
  5. Climate Justice Without Vengeance
  6. Speech at RCJ (2018); C&C "The Well Tempered Climate Accord"
  7. "Anyone who thinks C&C is Utopian simply hasn't looked honestly at the alternatives."
  8. Martin Luther King 'The arc of the curves towards justice'
  9. Origin of the Arc of the Universe
  10. The Harmonic Series
  11. The Well Tempered Climate Accord at COP-26
  12. C&C Archive

    Equity Equals Survival

  13. Assumptions
  14. Logical beginnings - well tempering
  15. COP-26
  16. First Best
  17. C&C & the Rajan 'Global Carbon Incentive'
  18. High Ambition Coalition
  19. Memo to UK Cabinet Office
  20. The collapse of the American Dream is now unavoidable
  21. Yet the Capitol Dome in Washington DC is a sublime architectural expression
  23. Musical Tones

    UNFCCC-Compliance & Support for the C&C Principle

  24. UNFCCC-Compliance
  25. True Story
  26. UK Government 2000 -2020
  27. Sliding Scale
  28. UNFCCC-Compliance "inevitably requires" C&C UNFCCC Executive
  29. Massive Support for C&C principle remains completely unrivalled
  30. 12 UN Bodies support C&C Principle
  31. Support from High Ranking Eminent Persons (ADB)
  32. Extensive Political Support from Eminent Persons for C&C principle
  33. Extensive expert support
  34. Support for C&C Principle from many Blue Planet Award winners & others
  35. All UK Political Parties strongly endorsed C&C
  36. C&C supporting Early Day Motions (EDMs) in the UK Parliament
  37. C&C becomes the UK Climate Act in 2008
  38. Unrivalled Support
  39. Religious consensus supporting C&C principle
  40. Medics supporting C&C
  41. Sustainability Endorsements for C&C
  42. Publications Endorsements for C&C
  43. Institutions Endorsement for C&C
  44. Populations and Sustainability Endorsements for C&C
  45. Capitalist Socialist Endorsements for C&C
  46. Equity Fairness Endorsements for C&C
  47. Academia Endorsement for C&C
  48. Economics Endorsements for C&C
  49. +60 Eminent Economists call for C&C
  50. Transition
  51. XR & UK government at core differ primarily about the rates of C&C
  52. Chinese Government advocate C&C before COP-15 2009

  53. "The C&C principle is unchallenged" Herman Daly
  54. Huge support for C&C Principle accompanies this submission to UNFCCC 2012
  56. Submission to the Talanoa Dialogue 2016
  57. More eminent persons support (some overlap here)
  58. The Climate Agenda
  59. C&C Articles

  60. Submission to Talanoa Dialogue
  61. C&C and the Rajan Global Carbon Incentive
  62. Letter to FT August 4 2021

    1994 a huge outcry over the climate 'Economics of Genocide' from Pearce & Nordhaus
  63. GCI's comment on UNFCCC - "return to sender" 1992
  64. Expansion and Divergence
  65. the economics of genocide
  66. The Value of Life
  67. GCI's critique of the economics argued in the IPCC Second Assessment Report
  68. Upheld in IPCC_SAR
  69. Globally the poor are more 'carbon-efficient' than the rich
  70. The 3 in 1 Trefoil
  71. Economists
  72. Usury
  73. Uneconomic Growth Disorder - Growth-Rates compared
  74. Solution Deniers meet Problem Deniers
  75. Rajan global carbon tax proposal versus Fee and Dividend
  76. Circular Economy
  77. The economics of genocide
  78. Genocide by any other name (then)
  79. Genocide by any other name (now)

    Big wake-up call from paleo climate change records for the PERMIAN Extinction

  80. The changing rate of the temperature rise & fall over 100s of millions of years
  81. The changing rate of the rise & fall of CO2 concentrations over 100s of millions of years
  82. The rise & fall of T° CH4 CO2 ocean pH and sea-level over the last 600,000 years
  83. The 'Milankovitch wobbles' & 230 PPMV, the average over the last 600,000 years

    Climate emergency accelerating & carbon sinks relatively shrinking
  84. Global Warming is accelerating now (positive-feedback)
  85. Sinks are shrinking now (positive-feedback)
  86. Major Source-Sink questions in scenario from Rockstrom et al
  87. C&C Rates needed now
  88. Rational Analysis - urgency and immediate convergence

  89. CBAT the 'Carbon Budget Analysis Tool' presented in GCI evidence to EAC
  90. Feedback & C&C arrays Embedded in CBAT (Carbon Budget Analysis Tool)
  91. CBAT Appreciation

    EAC Carbon Budget Enquiries - were the models valid?
  92. Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) 'Carbon Budget Enquiries' (2009 - 2013)
  93. RCP scenarios
  94. On its website UKMO admits the omission of major feedbacks from its climate modelling
  95. Under Oath UKMO then denies these omissions in evidence to the EAC Enquiry in 2013
  96. Now in 2021 as AR6 is published, UKMO et al have a lot of explaining to do
  97. The Cretan Paradox
  98. DECC admits feedback omissions in 2016
  99. UKMO/IPCC Background to Feedback Omissions in 5th Assessment (AR5)
  100. The 'RCP' scenarios; sink failure rates modelled in RCP 8.5 (the path we're on)
  101. IPCC RCP 8.5 & the feedback fiasco
  102. Emissions-Creep since UKCA (2008)
  103. Widely varying estimates of Emissions from Land Use Changes

  104. John Ashton & Ed Miliband at COP 15 (2009)

    IPCC Feedback Howler of all time
  105. Table 2.2 in IPCC SR 1.5° showing Budget-Inflation vs Feedback-Diminution.
    After International Peer Review, IPCC got all Governments of the world to sign it.
    18 months later it was admitted that it was a mistake

    Climate Litigation - the Carbon-Debt issue

  106. Institutions & Considerations
  107. Collaboration with litigation agenda from 'Plan-B'

    1. All Country CREDIT DEBIT detail (1750-2050)
    2. Interntational Emissions 1990 -2020
    3. Return to CREDIT:DEBIT Analysis
    4. Go to All Countries listing Alphabetical
    5. Go to All Countries in Regional Groupings
    6. Go to an easy Visualization of how CREDIT:DEBIT is calculated
    7. Go to All Countries in Overal CREDIT:DEBIT Groupings
    8. Go to All Countries detailed CREDIT:DEBIT Breakdown as %s
    9. Animation - All Country per capita emissions 1750 to zero between 2020 & 2040
    10. Go to UK Emissions compared with several Regions
    11. Go to a short explanation of each element of the global analysis done for each country
    12. Globally the poor are more 'carbon-efficient' than the rich
    13. The enormity of the climate crisis & 'carbon-debt' inequity, puts us in double-jeopardy

  108. All Country CREDIT DEBIT detail (1750-2050)
  109. Growth rates CO2 pollution (1750-2017)
  110. Growth rates CO2 Pollution (1750-2013) by fuel
  111. Damages Liabilities
  112. Judicial Review
  113. Our Children's Trust

    IEA demand-growth (Oil/Coal/Gas) to 2040, vs contraction-rates for UNFCCC-Compliance
  114. Animation

    Scientists got it so wrong?
  115. NYT
  116. The situation we've been in
  117. The situation we're now in
  118. Model Muddle
  119. AR6 modelling still ignores the rates of collapse in the Arctic

    Business Leaders to Boris Johnson


Remarkable People

  1. Patanjali
  2. Lao Tse
  3. Pythagoras
  4. Galileo
  5. Guido Tonelli
  6. H P Blavatsky
  7. B K S Iyengar
  8. Nyoichi Sakurazawa (George Ohsawa)
  9. Lynda McDonald - textile artist and former programme manager NHS
  10. Jelle Hielkema - former Director at FAO, author and visionary
  11. John Houghton
  12. Tom Blundell
  13. Emmy Noether
  14. David Bohm
  15. Tom Spencer
  16. Alex Evans
  17. Herman Daly
  18. Titus Alexander
  19. Don Brown
  20. Andrew Dlugolecki
  21. Sir John Houghton
  22. John Archibald Wheeler & Richard Feynman
  23. Richard Douthwaite
  24. Rungano Karimanzira
  25. Brendan Mackey
  26. Laurie Barlow - Architect campaigner and educator
  27. Ginny Batson
  28. Esmeralda De Belgique
  29. Tim Jackson 
  30. John Vidal
  31. Julian Salt
  32. Chris Rose
  33. Greta Thunberg
  34. BMJ article on Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion & the science of climate change
    Links supporting BMJ Article
  35. Colin Challen MP, the most effective climate campaigner ever in the UK Parliament
  36. Lord Adair Turner
  37. Sir David King
  38. Harley Wright
  39. Ross Garnaut
  40. James Hansen
  41. Mike Hutchinson
  42. Mayer Hillman - since the '60's a veteran campaigner for C&C & personal carbon allowances
  43. Dave Hampton - broadcaster educator and activist
  44. Bill McGuire
  45. Dr Robin Stott
  46. Rabbi Jeffrey Newman
  47. John Gummer
  48. Peter Critchley
  49. David Hembrow
  50. Adam Poole - Engineer at Buro Happold
  51. John Caddy - artist & visionary
  52. Michael A Sherbon

    The Unifying Principle
  53. George Ohsawa
  54. Universal Constants
  55. The derivation of Phi
  56. Stringularity & the Phi'd-back loop
  57. The Completeness Theorem
  58. Elsewhere provides more detail supporting The Completeness Theorem

    UK Climate Act based on C&C
  59. The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution advocates C&C (2000)
  60. The UK Climate Act (Contraction & Convergence) (UKCA 2006)
  61. Contraction and concentrations as in UKCA
  62. All UK Political Parties strongly endorsed C&C
  63. C&C supporting Early Day Motions (EDMs)
  64. The Unifying Principle
  65. "The morally and intellectually coherent principle of Contraction & Convergence" John Gummer
  66. CCC Chairman Turner confirms that C&C is the principle upon which the UK Climate Act is based
  67. Adair Turner and Mr Ed Miliband of DECC
  68. HMG's UK Climate Act (UKCA 2008) is C&C (Right Principle, Wrong Rates)
  69. UK CO2 emissions & carbon debit since 1750 (CDIAC)
  70. UK CO2 emissions oil coal & gas since 1750 (CDIAC)
  71. UK per capita CO2 emissions since 1750 compared with the rest
  72. UK Emissions & the Paris Agreement
  73. The irrationality of delay; the case in a Nutshell
  74. The irrationality of delay; 2
  75. Canaries & Canards - Global & UK National - UKMO/HMG dodgy statistics
  76. 'Five Wise Monkeys' - a ludicrous idea from the UK CCC
  77. Sane Safe Fair? UK 'leadership' is >3 times its global share!
  78. Embedded Emissions - more false accounting from the British Government?
  79. Annual Emissions now equal >12,000,000,000 tonnes carbon, or 2,000 Khufus by weight

    BBC - Climate Facts "its all happening much faster than anyone thought possible."
  80. What the film seeks to reveal or perhaps conceal on the rates of global temperature rise
  81. Acceleration

  82. C&C Articles over the years

    UNFCCC & Climate Emergency
  83. GCI declares climate emergency at COP-2 in 1996
  84. Consumer Polluter Sovereignty
  85. UKMO warns of 'temporarily' exceeding 1.5°C by 2023
  86. Climate emergency, UNFCCC COP-24 & the the 'Katowice Rulebook'
  87. Submission to the UNFCCC's 'Talanoa Dialogue' (2017)
  88. IPCC 'Miracle' for AR6 - more carbon equals less temperature!
  89. Airline Emissions make a critical situation even worse
  90. Huge injustice against islands of the South Pacific Region
  91. The Marshall Islands

    Extinction Rebellion; Climate Emergency Now - the CARBON CLOCK is TICKING
  92. GCI called for declaring a climate emergency at COP-2 in 1966
  93. Schellnhuber & others revise their emissions projections in line with GCI/Plan B
  94. It is the trend or the 'shape of the curve' that matters
  95. Carbon Budgets Countdown, apropos Extinction Rebellion & the CCC
  96. Global Framework for future carbon-rationing
  97. Carbon Countdown Clock
  98. Extinction Rebellion
  99. Climate Siege
  100. 'Peer-reviewed' facts behind Hallam interview on BBC 'hard-talk'

    BBC - "Climate Facts"
  101. What the film seeks to reveal regarding 'the rate of temperature rise'
  102. BBC edits Mark Carney 4th Reith Lecture on Climate Change

  103. Acceleration in the rise of temperature and atmospheric CO2

    Criminal Activity
  104. Roger Hallam & XR actors are being jailed for UKMO crimes

    Music, BACH & the Well Tempered Principle
  105. JS BACH was a Pythagorean

  106. Music
  107. Pythagoras String Demonstration
  108. Hippasus

  109. The Tao Te Ching
  110. The Order of the Universe

    Well Tempering & the musical derivation of the wonderous 'Phi' (0.618)
  111. Phi Derivation Model from the Pythagorean Comma - 'The Stringularity Hypothesis'
  112. Hawking drew short of recognizing the real significance of Pythagoras String Experiment
  113. Music & the derivation of 'Phi' in Nature
  114. The symmetry-binding-derivation of 'Phi' from the Pythagorean Comma
  115. 666, Diabolus in Musica & the Divine Proportion
  116. Symmetry-binding at the Phi-Point between steps 12 & 13 of the Pythagorean Comma
  117. Precise close-up of 'Phi' at the 'Phi-Point' between steps 12 & 13 of the Pythgorean Comma
  118. Symmetry-binding derivation of Phi rescues Standard-Model when Higgs Particle is added
  119. Absolute Relativity
  120. The Feminine Principle
  121. Organic Growth - the circular economy
  122. Phi-rich Pentagons
  123. Phi created the integers
  124. Awe-inspiring Phi
  125. Spirals
  126. Awesome Sunrise
  127. Happy Phi:Pi Day
  128. Phi at Green in visble Colour Spectrum & beautiful 'Fluminescence' from Ginny Battson
  129. Phi All Life
  130. Phi:Pi Pentagrams - governs orbits of Earth Venus and Sun
  131. Phi:Pi:Alpha - universal source-code
  132. Phi is at the structural core of DNA
  133. Equivalence
  134. Certainty in the derivation of Phi, the structure of DNA, Rosalind Franklin & Choose Life
  135. Phi:Pi - Khufu
  136. Phi:Pi - Squaring the Circle
  137. Phi:Pi - Schwarzchild Radius
  138. Hemiola
  139. Deep Simplicity
  140. Eternity & golden spiralling electrons/'excitons'
  141. A Beautiful Model (Limits to Growth)
  142. Phi LIGO Benford
  143. Domes throughout History
  144. Flags
  145. Inside Out outside In for fun . . . . .
  146. Music & Nobel Prize Winners

    Art & Life & Maths
  147. Tree of Life
  148. NEMI
  149. John Archibald Wheeler
  150. Maths
  151. Awards
